As the follow-up of the 1st Session of the Cambodian–Hungarian Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation, the 1st Cambodian–Hungarian Virtual Business Forum was held successfully on the 15th February 2022 in hybrid format.

Based on the cooperation between the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, this event is regarded as a milestone in our economic cooperation which was addressed by István Joó, Deputy State Secretary for External Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and His Excellency Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce of Cambodia. The meeting was attended by more than 100 representatives of Cambodian and Hungarian businesses and other stakeholders focusing on exploring the ways of cooperation in trade, investments and services in areas such as agriculture and agro-industry, water treatment and water management, machinery industry, environment, food safety, tourism, medical and pharmaceutical technology. The business relations of the companies are promoted by the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, Hungarian Export Promotion Agency and the Phnom Penh Office of the Embassy of Hungary in Hanoi.